Terror Article VII

Could this be the end of the Alien Terror?
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Terror Article VII
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Cancel Christmas! Here comes the Mothership!


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Mothership darkens the skies of Mundane City

*April 16, 1999*

After a couple weeks of relative calm, the entire Alien Terror basketball team were spotted together back in Mundane City a few days ago. Major General U. R. Ashes and his battalion of tanks and fighter planes descended upon the city hoping to blast the aliens out of existence.

"We have been hunting these dangerous critters for the past few months," said the high-strung Major General Ashes. " I should have realized that they'd show-up back here sooner or later. Now that I got them in one area, I can end their threat... permanently!"

The major general and his troops searched the small town without finding any of the aliens.

"I know the aliens are here!" shouted the crazed major general. "If I have to, I'll blast this town out of existence! Anybody who is hiding these filthy creatures better turn them in or this sorry excuse of a town will pay the ultimate price!"

At that moment, the aliens emerged from a manhole cover in the middle of the street. Major General Ashes evacuated the area leaving only his battalion surrounding the aliens.

"You pathetic little creatures have given me nothing but grief," spat the power mad major general. "Your terror ends... NOW!!"

At that moment, a nuclear type bomb that was no bigger than a bread box fell out of the sky and detonated over the aliens. The explosion shook buildings, and the thundering sound was heard in towns miles away. After the smoke cleared, the aliens were standing their ground protected by an impenetrable force field.

"No! You can't still be alive! I'll kill you with my bare hands! You must die! Die!! DIE!!!" screamed Ashes.

Ashes charged towards the aliens, but stopped in his tracks as the sky suddenly became dark. An enormous spaceship appeared up above blocking out the sun. The aliens mothership had arrived and it had a "gift" for Major General U. R. Ashes.

"YOU SHALL LIVE UP TO YOUR NAME, MAJOR GENERAL!" echoed a booming voice from the mothership.

Ashes never knew what hit him. A narrow beam from the mothership struck the dumbfounded major general right between the eyes. All that was left of the man was a flaming pile of ashes.

All of the major general's soldiers stood in silence as the Alien Terror were taken from the planet earth by a tractor beam to the hovering mothership above.


Those were the final words spoken from the mothership as it disappeared in the blink of an eye from the smoked filled sky. Is this truly the end of the Alien Terror? Or will they come again seeking retribution? We don't know the answers, but we do know this: earth must be prepared or it will become nothing more... than a pile of ashes.

"The world is quite right. It does not have to be consistent." -Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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